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Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident

CSR Charter

  • We will comply with all relevant laws and regulations and respect all social norms including corporate ethics, conventional wisdom, and common sense to promote fair business practices.
  • We will provide products and services that are safe and that earn the trust and satisfaction of customers and the market through fair market competition.
  • We will be committed to the education, safety and health of employees and strive to develop a free and vigorous corporate culture that encourages a bold spirit.
  • We will aim at maximizing the corporate value of the company through efficient business activities.
  • We will create good communications with stakeholders by working to maintain and ensure the transparency of our corporate activities.
  • We will develop technologies and products with an awareness of the environment, to reduce the environmental burden and better fulfill our obligation to protect the environment and create a recycling society.
  • We will engage in social contribution activities to create a sound and sustainable society.
  • We will respect the cultures and customs of the countries and regions in which we are present and operate in a way that contributes to their development.
  • We shall consistently treat our customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers and the community with honesty, dignity, fairness and respect.